Child and Student Eye Examinations
Your precious little ones should get the best care for their eyes. Growing eyes require careful monitoring and management to ensure the best long-term outcome.
In practice we often find:
- a lazy eye (poor vision in one eye).
- a squint (eye-turn, usually inwards towards the nose).
- a child who struggles to see the white-board or television (often a family history of short-sightedness).
- parents concerned about a child’s increasing short-sightedness (myopia management advice will be given).
- a child having difficulty with reading and poor academic performance (often family history of long-sightedness).
- parents complaining of child’s unusual handwriting (can be a sign of astigmatism).
- a teacher or parent has noticed a child turning their head to see clearly.
- boys with colour confusion (colour vision deficiency is more common in boys).
- parents who are concerned about a child’s recent history of headaches (fields testing and tomography may be required).
- concerns over eye rubbing and itchiness (usually allergy related).
- dry eye disease and digital eyestrain are becoming more common.
- new learner drivers struggling to see the car number plates.

Our child and student eye examinations are suitable for children between 5 and 17 years old. Under 16 years old patients should attend with an adult. Our patient care and clinical assessment include:
- 30-minute appointment.
- Covid safe setting & PPE worn by professional staff.
- Experienced child-friendly practitioners.
- Rexxam Auto-Refraction (Japan) provides a quick and accurate measurement of your child’s spectacle prescription.
- Optomap (California) allows a widefield retinal scanning with social distancing
- A paper or digital copy of your prescription will be issued
- Advice on lifestyle and how to look after your child’s eyes will be given
- Best lens recommendations by your optometrist, including a myopia management discussion if warranted
- Referral to your GP, NHS hospital or orthoptist if required.
The current reduced pay-as-you-go professional fee of £35 will be charged.
A range of Ray-Ban and Oakley children’s glasses are available in many colours and sizes.